Library Media Center
A Reader Today, A Leader Tomorrow.
Mrs. Debbie Johnson
Phone: (334) 684-9379 ext: 311
Username: genevahigh
Password: digital

Library Use
Passes are required. Please sign in upon arrival and sign out upon departure. Be respectful of individuals and school property. Students may check out up to 4 books for 2 weeks. The library is available and may be reserved for club use.
Computer Use
All computers are for school-related activities only. If you need help with a password, please see a library staff member. Copying and printing must be school-related. All black-and-white copies are $0.10 per page. Color copies are $0.25 for a half page and $0.50 per whole page.
Library Information
The GHS library collection is compromised of printed and non-printed materials, computers, and audio/visual equipment. The printed collection consists of over 13,000 volumes with an average purchase rate of 150 books per year. The books in the library are a combination of both fiction and non-fiction.